I've been reading this book called “Becoming A Woman Who Walks With God”. The first four chapters talk about abiding: The Security of Abiding; Choosing to Abide; Abiding in the Word; and Bearing Fruit.
I've been contemplative about the value of abiding or staying close to the Lord. Jesus uses the illustration in John 15 of the living vine and its branches, and that He alone is the source of abundance and growth. We are the branches, and must stay firmly connected to the Vine in order to grow and bear fruit. He invites us to stay connected to Him.
Abiding is deciding to let Christ be our Source- surrendering our lives to Him, seeking His kingdom, trusting His provision. Its the CHOICE to adhere ourselves to the Lord.
The story of Martha and Mary in Luke is brought up in chapter two. Martha was buzzing around-getting dinner ready while Jesus was in the living room with Mary at His feet. Martha got fed up with having to do all the work, and vents to Jesus for not caring about her and all her work. He lovingly responds to her by encouraging her to realize that she can lay aside all her work, and be concerned with whats best and whats eternal.
Jesus wants us to focus our lives on being with Him, rather than on busying ourselves doing for Him. He has called us to abide- to sit at His feet and listen to His words. When our first priority is abiding, we cannot help but serve the Lord and do the works of His will.
In John 8:31 Jesus tell us “If you abide in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine.” A daily intake of the Scriptures is one of the surest ways of abiding in His Word. Just as eating is essential for strength and energy, so do our spirits need daily nourishment. Feeding our spirits is essential to our growth, strength, and ability to bear fruit.
Sometimes I feel like the fruit I bear is small, or too dry. Those are the times Im confusing myself for the vine and live in my own strength instead of depending on Him. “Your responsibility is to abide in Me and let Me abide in you.” The key to fruit bearing is to stay connected to the Vine. Apart from the Vine I can do nothing.
“Lord, I surrender myself to Your power to transform me according to Your likeness. I yield my life to bear the priceless fruit that is the product of abiding.” Amen