My mind kept thinking about how amazing last night was, my children are off with their Papa and Granny for the night, and Joel and I had a great time together on a date to my favorite steak house- Logans. Then I was given a few gifts- one being a new camera and another being a footrub! Plus I was in bed by 10!! I kept thinking this morning of how truly blessed I am.
In the Bible, 1 Th. 5:16-18 Paul says, "Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus ."
So I thought I would take time this morning to count my blessings and thank the Lord for giving me a great life, and blessing me so much.
First off, Im so grateful for the God I serve, who isnt distant, who has delivered me from myself and the clutches of satan. He has given me a new hope and a bright future.
Im healthy! To which I am so thankful. I have no diseases or sicknesses. Sure I have an imprefect body- but I am thankful that my body can do the things it can do.
Im blessed to have such an incredible family:
~My dad and mom and my father and mother in law love me dearly and are always supportive, caring, helping, and thoughtful towards me, my husband and children.
~Not to mention the siblings I have- who have also given me great sister in laws! My husband also has given me more sisters and brothers too- all whom I adore! And with that I have so many special neices and nephews. I love being an Aunt.
~I also have awesome grandparents from both mine and my husbands family- who have taught me so much about life. I have awesome Aunts and Uncles, cousins- all who have impacted my life.
Im so incredibly appreciative and indebted for my dear husband- Christopher Joel. I know he loves me and our children so much, and is such an amazing provider! (not just financially). I couldnt have gotten a better father for my children. Thank you God for given me a patient, loving, hard working husband and partner in life. Im not sure what I would do with out him.
Im so honored to have four beautiful children. Two girls who are so bright and beautiful, helpful, caring-giving, and are such precious jewels that I hold close to my heart! Two boys who are so full of life and have given me a new perspective on life, they both complete our family.
Im truly fortunate for my life experiences. I would not be who I am without each and everthing that has happened in my life. All the good and the bad (sufferings, adventures, trials, special moments, training). With God help, I have used all these experiences to change and mold me. I am wiser!
Thank you God for our jobs! Im so thankful that Joel has a wonderful job at our church, which provides above and beyond. Im able to work at home as a full time mom, and still able to write curriculum- and my passion!!
Im so grateful to have so many friends. God has put people in my path that I will treasure forever. I have friendships that has withheld many years, friendships that are newer, friends from long ago, friends that are close, dear friends that are faithful and thoughtful. A few metionables- and clearly I couldnt mention them all. Megan, a friend Ive known since elementary school. We have been friends through all of our stages and phases. I really lover her like a sister. (Lylas!) Stephanie- a dear friend who almost knows more about me than my hubby! Im not sure what I'd do without her! A newest friendship I have enjoyed is Becky! Im so glad our paths have crossed and I hope we stay connected forever!!
Im sincerely thankful for all the things the Lord has given us. Our home sweet home, my cool van, all our furniture, my ladybug kitchen and red kitchen appliances! A nice washing machine and dryer! A Wii, nice clothes and cute shoes, a new tent, a great backyard and enjoyable items in it.
And lastly but not leastly, Im blessed that God gives us a Bible which brings life, a church with so much life in it, and for other things like sex, sunrises and sunsets, ladybugs, music, a sweet mini weenie dog that loves water (Daisy), cameras, flowers, air conditioning, coffee and creamer, playdoh, Bath & Body Works, push up bras, sweet tea, computers, mexican food, organizers/planners, and chocolate.
What a great gift- my life and all thats it in. Im so RICH I could not ask for more. Happy Birthday to me, thank you Lord.
Happy Birthday, sweet Tressa! Who blesses the rest of us with your presence, enlightenment, and love.
You deserve all of these wonderful blessings and more. You are a truly exceptional human being and I am so blessed that God put you in my life to share so many experiences.
I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are a gift to our family! You were and are an answered prayer to the prayers we prayed for Joel's wife.
God knew we needed your gifts and talents to make this tribe stronger. You have given to us gifts that are far more precious than any jewels known to man.
We are so blessed that we have had you for almost 11 years and we look forward to many more years with you! We give God praise and ask that He will
multiply your joy and blessings in the years to come.
We love you!
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