GOOD day!!

Its my nature to be grouchy, but I have to make a choice
to have a
great attitude no matter what comes my way!
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, kindess, goodness,
faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control."
Galations 5:22

Saturday, January 23, 2010

The FAVOR of the Lord!

I extremely dislike favoritism!! I will CHOOSE the benefits of being in the favor of the LORD and nothing else will matter!!

Those benefits listed:
* Our petitions are more likely to be granted (Esther 7:3).
* God will compass us with a shield (Psalm 5:12).
* We will receive life (Psalm 30:5).
* Our enemies will not triumph over us (Psalm 41:11).
* God will show mercy (Psalm 119:58).

Very recently, I was struggling with this topic. I like things to be FAIR. It bothers me that myself, and certain people dear to me weren't getting treated fairly. I made a choice to rely on and trust my Heavenly Father that He will provide and give favor.

Instantly, there were other means of favor that obviously came from the Father. He brought people, He brought peace, He provided means, He gave clarity, and poured out lot's of encouragement.

I'm in awe of His works!


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Anonymous said...

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