Lately, I've been contemplative about what its like to fully have a THANKFUL heart.
I've drawn a conclusion that when I have a pessimistic outlook on any type of situation in life (the glass is half empty)- I tend to be more ungrateful. And when I have a optimistic outlook on any type of situation in life(the glass is half full)- I tend to be more thankful.
I think about the times I look at my life "half empty". I can focus on the things I dont have, or the things that aren't complete, or aren't perfect, or aren't entirely fixed, or not organized. I also think of the bad things- my kids are misbehaving, my husband is not perfect, my friends never call, or even I can go as far as focusing on mistakes, or bad relationships, or past hurts, or missed opportunities. THEN I really can start to feel discontent. I get all torn up into millions of pieces of pitifulness and unhappiness. This is not good. I hate finding myself in this attitude.
And then I think about the times I look at my life "half full". I can medititate on the things I do have, and the things that are complete, and working. I also think of the good things- my kids do love and care for eachother, my husband is so genuine and loving, my friends really do care for me. I can trail off to meditate on the accomplishments, and tribulations, healing relationships, and opportunities that I've had. THEN I really can start to feel content. I get built up in joy and gratefulness. This is a great place to be.
I've heard it once said like this "An undisclipined mind is like a battle field, the enemy can attack from every dircetion. A disclipined mind is like a mighty fortress, nothing can enter into it"
I want to challenge you all, to use Phillipians 4:8 as a filter, to purify the things of your mind. I promise, its a great path to having a THANKFUL heart.